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Similar preparation of maps

Working material of the production of a map:

You can uses many different indication tools, with which one can map up to 0.2 mm exactly.

1 drawing board                 
2 sandpaper                        
3 template                           
4 yardstick                        
5 ruler                               
6 rubberstick
7 pencil (6H-8H)
8 a pair of compasses
9 ink pen
10 line lense
11 mapping pin
Marking Points

One reads off the well-known measure of the yardstick and stings with the mappingpin into the drawingboard.

After than you set the mass off, you connect the points (as on the continuation tear). 

In order to get an absolutely right-angled grid on the drawingboard, we use the diagonal method.


Mateial: Stefanie Brandt, Daniela Wächter, Patrick Alisch, VT98, Juni 1999S
                                                             HTML: Wiebke Aldag & Ilka Rehr  VT99  10.07.2000
                                                             Translation: Dennis Herbst and Cindy Lücke, VT01 Mai 2002