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Error law of the distance measurement in the past

Since one could not always avoid errors, the total error of a distance from empirical values was computed:

D = a + b x s + c x s         

D = 0,05* + 0,0003* x s + 0,008* x s   ( m )  ( ...* experience )

a... Gross errors, the influence is independent of the lenght to the way

b... Systematic errors, the influence grows with the length to the way

c... Random errors, the influence sinks with the lenght  to the distance

s... measured distance

D... total lenght of the distance. Nowadays distances of 100 or more meters are not measured with the tape, but with electronic tachymeters.
Therefore can not occur measurments by that high.

Example:  D  = 0,16 m by a way of 100m